A RAPOETICS REPRINT: The Death of Reason… by Timothy Ogene


The Death of Reason

In one night, before midnight, he drank from
two deep wells
it was a night of harsh thirst
and dark desires
the youth in his aged bones raged in desire
reason took flight
blurring away from his reach

the animal below ruled the gray guy above

the city is not a desert
heads walked, hands touched
he spotted one, full and ready
a little hesitant, but reason was dead
the beast below brawled, pumped full with blood
rising and falling up and down
like sea waves. no control –

brain-beast disconnect

she appears, stripped of all that stands between
man and flesh
it was before midnight
before the sky was peopled with elements
of fear and flight
before the gates of pleasure shut
against the world, unleashing nightmares

on poor burning souls –

reason was dead
he walked on thorns and thistles
leaving footprints and bruises
in his old fragile conscience
reason returned with remorse biting at the core
ready to re-route the night
it was way past the tip of dawn

she was gone, the city was up –


Timothy Ogene was born and raised in Nigeria. His poems have appeared in literary kicks, Ovi Magazine, the Daily Observer, Haggard & Halloo, Underground Voices, How Matters’ Friday Poetry Pause, the 2010 Arvon International Poetry Competition Anthology, Writing Raw, Snake Skin and are forthcoming in Subtle Tea, The Earth Charter Global Oneness Book Project and other publications. He was shortlisted for the 2010 Arvon International Poetry Prize. He currently lives in Robertsport, Liberia where he works for an innovative social enterprise.

Copyright © 2012 by Timothy Ogene






Cover Photo by Kim Logue