Resident Artist 2: David Arthur, No. 4


David Arthur at work photo by William James Lindberg

David Arthur at work photo by William James Lindberg

Resident Artist 2, No.4: MOONBLINDS

Tired bodies, jostled hair and a pool of sweat
remind me the moon watched us dance last night.
Eavesdropping at your exhales while I
painted the canvas of your body with my lips.
Softly illuminating the bedroom with it’s glow
as we searched for each others climax.
The strings of moon-glow through blinds
puppetteered us to sleep.
I felt you move at my back as we woke
to sun warmth creeping through window breaks.
I turn to watch your eyes peek open
and whisper “good morning” in your ear.
You lift yourself upright and I watch the sun
stripe through to compliment your bareback.
I lean over and command you
to lay back down using no words.
So the sun does not get jealous
of what the moon witnessed.


Copyright © 2016 by David Arthur







(First Published in Backhanded Compliments by David Arthur, Three Frogs Swimming Press)



3 thoughts on “Resident Artist 2: David Arthur, No. 4

  1. April 26, 2016 at 9:18 pm

    This is my favorite piece so far in this series.

    1. April 27, 2016 at 2:49 am

      Thank you for stopping by. What is it that you like best about it?

      1. April 27, 2016 at 9:08 pm

        It’s the most vulnerable this artist has been so far, and it highlights how much a few simple words can convey.