Resident Artist 3: Dion Loubser No. 3



Resident Artist 3: No. 3 — Fear of the Dark




The sunlight burns like napalm
I know because I put my hand out once
I watch these weak white worms wake
Shake off their night time terrors
So brave in the daytime
Strutting and squawking
Safe beneath the cruel sun
This is their time
But my time will come
This vampire life
I must wait for Nightfall





Darkness suits this pretty little town
With its dirty secrets
These people are dark inside
Upstanding citizens yet it appears
They like shadows and blood
As do I
The lights are on in the village
Time for me to walk amongst them
To drink and make merry
And remind them why they fear
The fall of night



Copyright © 2016 by Dion Loubser