David Arthur painted by Duane Kirby Jensen[/caption]
David Arthur is an emerging poet from the Pacific Northwest. He is actively involved in a local poetry series and hosts a weekly workshop which leaves its participants both emotionally and creatively bloodied. When taking the microphone, his words create an electric charge within his audience’s hearts, due to his innovation in the art of performance as well as his enigmatic presence. He is a writer who takes the randomly beautiful and terrifying experiences of living then translates them into poetry that is at the same time both relatable and within an intoxicating unreachable realm. He is known for taking a single moment and expanding it across the page to form a world of its own. His first book “Backhanded Compliments” showcases his remarkable ability to capture grief and self with notes of humor to lighten the cynical nature of his words. In just five months, his book has sold over 100 copies independently by himself, which is a direct result of David’s everlasting wanderlust.