Images & Random Word Poems by William James Lindberg


Random Images & Random Word Poems


Eventually, I am going to put together another manuscript of poetry. What I have in mind is doing random word poems such as the following. This is actually how I got into painting in the first place. In 2016, I began with a concept of creating a found poetry book called “metal.” The basic idea is that I would write blackout or cross-out poetry under the influence of metal music. Then I got the bright idea of blacking out all the unused words with metallic paints.

The first image presented was painted in August of that year. The fifth one down, Accidental Pairing was created in July of 2019. A few days ago, I got the bright idea to place one of my business cards on it. Then I scanned the pairing. And this is the only place that image exists.

The rest of the random word poems (presented today) were composed this past winter. As you can see, my style is evolving. Maybe someday, I will finish that manuscript called, “metal,” and hopefully, I can find a publisher willing to take a risk on me or it.


Foolishness Myth - A Metal Crossout Poem

Foolishness Myth – A Metal Crossout Poem


Obey Myth Random Word Poem

Obey Myth – Random Word Poem


Red Hell - Random Word Poem

Red Hell – Random Word Poem


Political Pathogen - Random Word Poem

Political Pathogen – Random Word Poem


Accidental Pairing

Accidental Pairing


Copyright © 2019 by William James Lindberg